About the pantry
The vegan pantry
The more you cook at home, the more stocked you'll find your pantry becomes. Each time you grab a bottle of vinegar, olive oil, or even a jar of peanut butter, you add to your pantry stock. Congrats!
A pantry stocked with essentials is the key to being able to make a meal using only fresh ingredients you brought home, and there are plenty of meals you can whip up using just your pantry ingredients alone. The items you stock your pantry with are the building blocks of your meals.
The vegan pantry is largely similar to the non-vegan pantry. There are a few differences - consider things like having capers on hand instead of anchovies, oils instead of butter, and veganized sauces (like mayonnaise or Worcestershire, which traditionally contains fish sauce).
How to build your pantry
There are a lot of pantry lists out there recommending what you should keep. What I'll do here is give you a peek into my own pantry and explain why I keep the items in do in hopes that it will help you decide what items to stock and how to organize them. The exact items you end up with will depend on your personal tastes, storage space, and budget, but the categories will be the same. Ultimately, the goal is to have anything that's non-perishable and that you reach for repeatedly on hand.
While it's true that higher quality items will make your food taste better, you have to start somewhere - get what you like and can afford. As you learn to cook, you might try different things to see what you like and what might be worth spending a bit more on, but the most important thing of all is to get started.
It will cost some cash to go out and stock your entire pantry at once. To avoid this (and ending up with items you really won't use), try adding a few items on your pantry list per trip in addition to your regular groceries. For example, if you know you're making salad one week, throw some olive oil, vinegar, and Dijon mustard in your cart - the core elements of a basic quality salad dressing. Focus on the essentials first, and then add more luxury items over time. (Once people start to learn that you're cooking, you'll probably even start to get some of these things as gifts.)
As you stock your pantry, you'll end up with things that you don't love or use that often, and that's OK - I like to do a "pantry challenge" a few times a year to clean out those items and make sure I'm trying new recipes.
How to use this list
I've grouped this list of pantry items by type, and each contains items under three classifications - essentials, useful, and luxury. I just want to note again here that personal preferences do dictate where some of these things fall - for me, coconut oil falls under useful but if you like to do a lot of vegan baking this might fall under essentials for you. If you have a small kitchen or budget, you can get by quite comfortably with just the essentials.
As for what are considered to be "pantry items", I've included everything non-perishable, so this list will include refrigerated and frozen items as well as those that would be stored in a cupboard. I also consider "slow-perishable" things like onions and potatoes to be part of the pantry.
I've organized the table of contents based on how and where things are stored in my kitchen and pantry, so you'll find lemons and limes under the slow perishables section instead of the vinegars section for example.
Vegetable oils
Fats are indispensable in the kitchen. They're in cooking to brown, to coat for roasting, or sauté in. They're also the key component of dressings and sauces, and are necessary in sandwich breads and vegan desserts.
Olive oil. When I reach for oil, it's most often for olive oil. It's the base for salad dressings, herb based sauces, croutons or really anything when the oil is one of the primary flavors.
Grapeseed oil. When you need an oil with a more neutral flavor - for things like sandwich bread or homemade tortillas. On the rare occasions I fry something this is what I'll use as olive oil is more expensive.
Coconut oil. Coconut oil has a rich flavor and is perfect when you want to add a bit of sweetness. I can't imagine using anything else for granola (I suppose grapeseed oil would work, but wouldn't taste as good or brown as beautifully). And it's a saturated fat, which makes it quite useful for baking and vegan desserts. Of course, this also makes it less healthy so use a bit more sparingly. I like to buy organic cold pressed which has a strong coconut flavor, but you can buy more neutral flavored versions as well.
Vegan butter. Sometimes it's just easier to use vegan butter as it mimics the texture and flavor of real butter. I mainly use this when I make a pie crust (you can use coconut oil, but it's a bit more difficult). I don't make desserts that often, which puts this is in the luxury category for me.
Flavored oils. Any oils flavored with herbs, garlic, peppers, etc. I find these end up my pantry when I get them as gifts. (You can also make these yourself to give as gifts.) These are fun for dipping bread into or making dressings.
Nut or seed oils. Also a fun alternative for salad dressings or pairing with particular vegetables.
Vinegars and citrus juices (like lemon and lime, included in the "slow perishables" section because that's where they're stored) are either the primary way (or secret ingredient to) adding flavor. Think dressings, quick pickles, chutneys, and creamy or herb based sauces - anything you use to dress, drizzle, or dollop. They're also useful to cut through heaviness (adding a splash of lime juice to a coconut milk broth) or thin (coleslaw dressing). There are a wide variety of flavors, which makes this a category you can really have fun in.
Balsamic vinegar. I make balsamic vinaigrette quite often - it's my favorite salad dressing. Balsamic reduction is also quite good, especially drizzled on strawberries.
Red wine vinegar. My second favorite dressing, and the core ingredient of Greek dressing (we love our Greek salad around here).
White vinegar. Universally useful and as neutral tasting as you'll get for a vinegar. You can use to thin creamy dressings, infuse with spices to make quick pickles, or even to clean.
Sherry vinegar. This is a great alternative to red wine vinegar when you want a bit more depth, and is simply super paired with mushroom anything.
Rice wine vinegar. Essential for Asian dishes.
Apple cider vinegar. I personally just don't use it that much, though I know many do. If that's you, put on your useful or even essential list.
Specialty or fruit vinegars. Fancy vinegars like fig, white balsamic, raspberry - the list goes on and on. These can be really fun, especially to mix up your dressings, so go crazy here!
Pantry Fruits & Vegetables
Long lasting fruits and vegetables
These are the fruits and vegetables you'll want on hand and that don't spoil quickly, though they will eventually. Not to worry though, you'll use these quickly enough that you'll need to replace them before they go bad. I have a bowl on the counter and a drawer in the fridge designated for storage of these items.
Onions. I'm not sure there's too much you can make without onions - you'll always need these on hand. We prefer red so that's what I buy, but get whatever you like best. These get stored on the counter.
Garlic. Of course - used in tons of recipes and can even be roasted and spread on toast. These get stored on the counter.
Potatoes. We eat enough of these that they're on my essential list- I'll often make these in place of a grain. They add heartiness to just about anything - add to beans and you've got a filling meal. They can also of course can be eaten on their own, baked, fried, mashed...... I usually keep both starchy and sweet on hand, stored on the counter.
Carrots and celery. Used as the base for soups, can make great salads, and perfect simply cut up and dipped in hummus. These are kept in the refrigerator drawer.
Lemons and limes. These may be on your essentials list, but I don't personally use them often enough to need to have them always on hand. I buy as needed for recipes. Keep these in the refrigerator drawer.
Ginger. This is another one that's on the essentials list for a lot of people. I keep peeled ginger in the freezer and grate it frozen because I don't use it often enough to store on the counter.
Shallots. I like to use these in place of raw onions in salads and in Greek salad, and sometimes a recipe will call for shallots specifically. These are stored on the counter.
Jalapenos. Probably an essential if you cook a lot of spicy food. Can also use any hot pepper. I store in the fridge drawer.
Tofu. I like tofu well enough and I'll use it sometimes, but rarely enough that I just buy as needed.
Tempeh. See Tofu above.
Frozen vegetables, stock, and meals
Lots of foods keep well in the freezer, and it's also a great place to store leftovers and anything you make in bulk, like stock. Keep frozen fruits and vegetables here, and you can assemble a healthy rice and veggie bowl or smoothie in a snap.
Vegetable stock. I love soup so I always have stock in my freezer. There's nothing good in the store - you've got to make it yourself. I make this in bulk, probably once every 6-8 weeks in the colder months and a bit less often when it's warmer. Stock is also useful for risotto, paella, vegan stuffing, vegan gravy... the list goes on and on.
Frozen corn and peas. Just heat 'em up, pair with a grain and you have a delicious meal. Peas and corn hold up really well in the freezer.
Frozen berries. Use in oatmeal and for smoothies. Keep other frozen fruits too - I like cherries and cranberries. Go to town here - the more fruit you eat, the healthier you are!
Beans. Frozen fresh beans, like lima and edamame.Sauté with some canned diced tomatoes and spices for an easy and tasty meal made entirely from your pantry.
Frozen spinach. It keeps in the freezer well and having it readily available (and already cleaned and chopped, I might add) makes it really easy to ensure you're eating your greens. Throw spinach into soups, bowls, or anything really - I especially love to add sautéed spinach into my curries. Change it up by getting frozen kale or any other frozen greens you like.
Doughs. Make pie crust and pizza dough in bulk and freeze.
Tomato sauce. Make it in bulk and freeze - especially makes sense if you have a garden.
Cooked grains or beans. Make extra beans or grains when you cook, and freeze the leftovers - grains and beans hold up nicely in the freezer and are easy to pull out for dishes.
Leftovers and meals. Frozen pizza, chili, potato and bean curries, homemade ketchup - anything you can freeze. These are a boon on busy days or nights when you need a quick dinner or something to grab for a work lunch. I always have frozen veggie burgers in my freezer (I make them in bulk once in a while).
Vegan ice cream. If I'm being honest here, this should be on my essentials list... apparently I've been in love with ice cream since the womb. I buy Ben and Jerry's (I've heard there are other good ones out there but I haven't needed to branch out beyond the Ben & Jerry's yet, because yum).
Flavor Adds & Sauces
Flavor essentials
I'm not entirely sure what to call this category, but they're the things you use to add flavor, create sauces, and/or use as emulsifiers. They add flavor to your dishes and some things, like pickles and olives, can even stand on their own as snacks.
Tomato paste. Add to soup or sauce bases, paella, and much more.
Dijon mustard. Good by itself, but especially in salad dressing. I rarely make a vinaigrette without it.
Ketchup. Heinz organic ketchup is easy, but make your own sometime - out of this world and freezes well. Organic is vegan-friendly as non-organic sugar is bleached using bone char.
Mayonnaise (vegan, obviously). I prefer Just Mayo. Use in things like chickpea salad sandwiches, coleslaw dressing, as the base for creamy sauces, and much much more.
Olives. We use in salads and on hummus plates (I actually don't like cooked olives, but love them out of the jar). Mostly, they just get eaten as snacks.
Sun dried tomatoes in oil. Great with pasta, on veggie burgers, and you must try on a hummus sandwich, but they also end up getting eaten as snacks.
Miso. This might be on your useful or even luxury list. Not just good for soup - if you cook from the America's Test Kitchen Vegan Cookbook you'll find it's used to add depth to the vegan fettucine alfredo and a few other dishes as well.
Soy sauce. Not just for Asian dishes. Adds umami flavor to lots of things, including veggie stock. You'll use it more often than you think.
Hot sauce. Good to put on everything - try it on greens. Yum! Cholula is my favorite but there are tons out there - chili paste, Tabasco, Sriracha....
Capers. Use these where you would use anchovies and to make your own vegan Worcestershire sauce.
Barbeque sauce. I like it on a veggie burger with sweet pickles and coleslaw.....
Wine. You need it to make vegetable stocks and it makes a big difference in stews. I buy the small bottles so none gets wasted (I don't drink, so the leftovers would go down the drain, plus I don't see the sense in using expensive wine for cooking).
Vegan Worcestershire sauce. Buy or make your own.
Chipotle in adobo. I recently discovered these and LOVE.
Chutneys. Pair with Indian dishes or just on plain rice or pita.
Jams. I pretty much use for PB&J, though you use on desserts (I'm looking at you, raspberry preserves).
Liquid aminos. This is a vegan stand in for fish sauce. I really only use to make pad thai.
Preserved Vegetables
Jarred vegetables and vegetable sauces
These are great out of the jar as snacks, on sandwiches and in wraps, diced up for garnish, or just served on the side (I like to serve a bowl of soup with bread and a side of pickles, but that's just me).
Pickles. Sweet and dill. Eat as snacks straight out of the jar, put on sandwiches, serve with meals.
Vinegar peppers. Same as pickles, above.
Salsa. I know I should make my own, but it's just so easy to have jars on hand. Perfect as a snack with tortilla chips, spoon over a rice bowl, mix into stuffed pepper grains, and put on tacos.
Tomato sauce. It's so fast and easy to make your own from canned tomatoes that you'll rarely use this, but for those occasions when you quite literally have no time.......
Other vegetables you like. For me, that's pickled beets and sauerkraut. The ultimate here is handmade preserved veggies.
Dried Fruits & Vegetables
Dried fruit, peppers, and mushrooms
This is another group that adds lots of flavor and some extra nutrition to meals. Try pasta with dried mushrooms, sun-dried tomatoes and olive oil for a luxurious dinner right from the pantry. Add some frozen spinach for an extra flavor (and nutrition) boost. Yum! Dried fruit is great for snacks, on oatmeal, to garnish desserts, and use in nut-based tart crusts.
Dried spicy peppers. I prefer ancho, but varieties are bountiful so stock your favorite. I often use these to flavor chili, and you can use any time you need a bit of heat or flavor and don't have a fresh pepper on hand - just soak in hot water to reconstitute.
Dried cranberries. I am quite fond of these as snacks or in oatmeal. Insert your favorite dried fruit here.
Dried coconut. Add to granola and use in desserts.
Raisins. A nice alternative in oatmeal when I get bored with dried cranberries. Also great in a surprising number of salads.
Prunes. I like these as snacks, and also use in dishes like paella.
Dried mushrooms. Excellent for use in risotto, with pasta, and added to stews.
Sun dried tomatoes. Keep these in addition to the olive-packed kind to use in recipes.
Seaweed. I like the idea of cooking with seaweed more often, but I just never seem to get to it.
Other dried fruits. Great for snacks (especially road snacks) and oatmeal - I quite enjoy dried apples, dates, figs, cherries, and apricots.
Nuts, Nut Butters, & Seeds
Nuts and Seeds
Nuts and seeds are one of those areas that star more in the vegan pantry than the non-vegan pantry. They're not just great snacks - they're highly nutritious, a great source of protein, and are useful for sauces, garnishes, and in baking. And there are lots of vegan nut based cheeses to explore making at home.Essentials
Cashews. Raw for sauces and vegan cheeses, and roasted for snacking.
Pistachios. This makes the essentials cut because it's a favorite for snacking, and as a bonus makes a really beautifully colored nut butter for drizzling on vegetables.
Other snacking nuts. For me these are walnuts and almonds, but of course get what you like best.
Flaxseed. Extremely nutritious, so I put on my oatmeal every day.
Peanut Butter. Perfect for PB&J, peanut butter cookies, peanut sauce and sometimes on ice cream (yum!)
Tahini. An essential in my pantry because I frequently make hummus and like tahini sauce drizzled on my falafel.
Chia seeds. A great way to make flavorful and nutritious puddings.
Pumpkin seeds. Great for you and add color and crunch to oatmeal and granola.
Peanuts. Good for occasional snacking, excellent chopped and used as a garnish.
Hazelnuts. I really only use these for one particular brussel sprout dish, which puts them in the luxury category for me.
Hemp seeds. Another great nutritional sprinkle to add to smoothies and oatmeal - very high in protein.
Any other specialty nuts. Brazil nuts come to mind here, but really anything you like or want to try new.
Whole grains, pasta, and noodles
Grains and beans are the stars of vegan meals. They add heartiness and make vegan meals satiating. They're the base for bowls and veggie burgers, and stand-in for the meat component of meals. Like the other categories on this list, your own favorites will become your essentials.
Brown rice. Keep both short and long grain. You can use this whenever you would use white rice in dishes like paella or risotto by par-boiling first, and as it's a whole grain (contains the bran & germ) it's the healthiest option
White rice. Stock short and long grain - I prefer basmati as my long grain white rice and arborio as my short grain.
Quinoa. My favorite whole grain, which means it makes my personal essentials list. I use for grain-based veggie bowls, stuffed pepper stuffing, and in grain salads. It also roasts into a nice crunchy topping.
Oatmeal. I eat oatmeal just about every day for breakfast. Also use for fruit cobblers and oatmeal cookies.
Pasta. For us, fettucine (my favorite) and penne (my hubby's fave). Choose your favorite shape(s).
Rice noodles. I love a simple veggie noodle soup and they're also useful in bowls and necessary for pad thai. Chopsticks not optional.
Popcorn. Great for as snack, and you can flavor with just about any spice or spice blend. I break this out whenever I have the munchies but I'm not really hungry - popcorn is low in calories and high in volume, so it's perfect when you want a mindless munching TV watching snack.
Masa harina. A special type of corn flour for making your own tortillas (which is really easy, by the way). Worthwhile to keep this on hand if you enjoy tacos as homemade are so much better than the store bought ones.
Cornmeal. For cornbread, which is excellent to serve with chowders or chili and when you're feeding anyone gluten-free.
Bulgur. Primarily for making tabbouleh, but there are lots of other recipes you can use it with. Probably the most convenient whole grain because you just soak in hot water for 20 minutes or so and it's done.
Other pastas. Lasagna noodles are good to keep on hand (and if you make it often, should be in the essentials category). Other good pasta shapes are macaroni and smaller shapes for pasta e fagioli or pasta salads.
Couscous. If you like Mediterranean dishes, you'll use couscous.
Barley. Fantastic in stews, especially with mushrooms.
Other grains. There's a veritable treasure trove of grains out there - wheat berries, teff, farro, millet, buckwheat.... the list goes on and on. Give them all a try and see what you love!
Dried and canned beans
Beans are the other superstar in the vegan pantry. There are so many kinds out there with different flavors, you'll look at different varieties like omnivores look at different types of meat. Chickpeas for example are often used as a stand-in for chicken in vegan-ized traditional dishes. Beans in your pantry will either be dried or canned. Canned beans are undoubtedly more convenient for meals, and dips because they're cooked to be very tender before they're canned. Cooking from dried tastes better, is less expensive, and you can cook large batches and keep them frozen to thaw as needed.
Lentils. No need to buy these canned as they cook from dried quickly, which also makes them one of the best and most nutritious choices. Green and red are essential for me. Green hold their shape well when cooked, which makes them perfect for taco or vegan shepherd's pie filling, and orange melt apart beautifully giving a lovely texture to curries and soups.
Chickpeas. These have so many uses - whole in salad, roasted for a crunchy snack, formed into falafel patties, pureed into hummus, used as a stand in for chicken in noodle soup or chickpea salad sandwiches - you'll find you turn to these beans more than any other. Chickpeas are absolutely indispensable. Keep both dried and canned on hand.
Pinto beans. I quite enjoy chili and make it often, especially in fall and winter. Pinto beans are synonymous with chili for me. I keep these dried - because vegan chili centers on the beans as the main ingredient, cooking from dried is the way to go.
Navy beans. These are incredibly useful to throw into any veggie salad or dish to turn into a meal. Throw them in with some leftover broccoli or cauliflower salad and you have a hearty and fast lunch. Add to soups, or eat on their own with a bit of oil and your favorite spice. I keep these canned so I can just open and eat.
Black beans. Goes really well with corn - try black bean and corn summer salad, or in Mexican dishes like tortilla soup. I use these as the base for the veggie burgers I make in bulk every 6-8 weeks or so and keep in the freezer (for a quick go-to meal when I can't or don't feel like cooking).
Black and green lentils. These add some great variety, flavor and color to your lentil salads and fillings.
Split peas. For split pea soup, of course - simply a necessity when spring rolls around.
Any other beans you enjoy. Kidney, cranberry - there are lots of fun varieties to try, and Bob's Red Mill offers a lot of them. Try different kinds and experiment, and you'll find some new favorites you love.
Flours and sugars
White and whole wheat flour. Use for bread, pie crust, to thicken stews, to make cakes and cookies - pretty much for all things baking. If you can have gluten (or even cook for people that can), these are a pantry non-negotiable.
White and brown sugar. Even if you don't bake desserts, you'll use these - brown sugar on your oatmeal, a bit of sugar in a sauce or in coleslaw dressing, or just to add to coffee or tea. Organic is vegan (non-organic white sugar is bleached with bone char).
Chocolate bars. Semi-sweet and unsweetened. Melt and use in frostings, to coat frozen fruit snacks, chop up and add to cookies, shave onto puddings, or just grab some when you're craving a sweet snack (not the unsweetened, obviously).
Powdered chocolate. I use cacao power, but you can also have cocoa - good for homemade hot chocolate and some dessert recipes. Also sprinkle on a hot chocolate or vegan whipped cream to elevate the presentation factor.
Chocolate chips. Check the labels as they're commonly contain milkfat. Use for chocolate chip cookies, in bread puddings, or sprinkled on top of ice cream (all vegan, of course).
Maple syrup. My preferred sweetener in any recipe where I don't have to use a dry sweetener, like hot chocolate or lattes. You must splurge for real here - anything else is pretty much just flavored corn syrup. (I know that honey isn't technically vegan but if you do eat it, the same goes for honey).
Vanilla. I mean vanilla extract here - it's used in virtually every dessert and in most sweetened beverages. Try making your own for a fun project or even for gifts.
Baking powder, soda, and cornstarch. I group these together because they're usually used to thicken or leaven in baking, and they're all right next to each other in my pantry.
Confectioners sugar. For icings and use in whipped coconut cream.
Applesauce. Use as an egg substitute when baking (or just stick in a spoon and snack).
Date sugar. The most nutritious sweetener because it's actually a whole food (it's just ground up dates). Too chunky for use in liquids, but can definitely be used in baking. You'll likely have to hunt this down at a specialty store or order online.
Molasses. Use in some breads (like anadama for you fellow New Englanders) and other recipes.
Corn syrup. Handy in some recipes or if you want to try your hand at candy making.
Almond flour. Great for crusts when anyone in your crowd is gluten-free and for certain fancy desserts. Expensive though.
Vanilla beans. The flavor is so much better than using extract when a dish calls for vanilla as the main flavor, like a homemade vegan ice cream, whipped cream, or pudding. Use the spent pods to make your own vanilla extract.
Canned tomatoes and milk
Canned has its own section in my pantry so listing it here, though I don't keep much canned.
Canned tomatoes. You'll use these all the time for sauces soups and sautés and in many dishes. I stock diced and crushed.
Coconut milk. Use for curries, baking, and coconut whipped cream.
The spice cabinet
Spices add flavor (and often nutrition) to your dishes. There are too many spices to list here - an entire page could be dedicated to all the spices out there. You'll build up a collection of lots, as well as foray into making your own spice blends (like pickling spice, pumpkin spice, chili powder, taco seasoning, and more) so I won't list every spice here but rather the ones I find myself reaching for most often.
Salt and pepper are so obvious here - if you only have two spices in your kitchen, have these.
Curry powder. It's so easy to make a meal with potatoes, beans and curry, and you'll reach for this frequently.
Cumin powder. Another spice you'll use all the time - this is the one I have to replace most often. A key component of Mexican and Middle Eastern dishes.
Cumin seed. Great in sautéed vegetable dishes.
Chili powder. Use for veggie burgers and to flavor lots of other things.
Sage and oregano. Use to flavor soups, sauces, and pair wonderfully with beans.
Cinnamon. A staple - use in oatmeal, sprinkle on desserts or warm beverages.
Cardamom. One of my absolute favorite spices - wonderful with blueberry or in whipped cream or meringues.
Nutritional Yeast. A vegan pantry must - has a deep cheesy flavor and you'll use to make vegan cheeses or as a cheese stand-in, like in pesto.
Crushed red pepper. If you like it spicy, keep this on hand.
Turmeric. Insanely good for you, and adds color to veganized dishes in place of eggs.
Coriander. A lovely orange flavor, used a lot in Middle Eastern and African cooking.
Chaat and garam masala. Use in place of curry for something different, or just sprinkle on popcorn.
Ground mustard. Use it to make your own mustard (ever had Chinese mustard?), or in dishes to add depth and sharpness (like vegan cheeses).
Allspice. If you bake fruit pies, or want to make pumpkin spice (or just want your house to smell like the holidays), you'll definitely use Allspice.
Nutmeg. See Allspice above.
And much much more.
Liquids and beverages
Cooking liquids and core beverages
These are the core liquids you cook with and drink, so you always have them on hand. Teas can be used to flavor simple syrups, desserts, whipped coconut cream, or ice cream. Wine is indispensable in stews and stocks. Use these as a base for out of the ordinary beverages too - think spiced hot beverages like wines or ciders, or use oat or almond milk to make lattes or hot chocolate. Pour sparkling water over some spice-infused simple syrup with or without citrus juice. And of course, coffees, teas, and sparkling water may be quite ordinary on their own, but are oh so necessary.
Tea. Black and green (I keep both caffeinated and decaffeinated black tea).
Coffee. Caffeinated and decaf. Beans are preferable - I grind and store in the freezer.
Sparkling mineral water. Drink by itself, mix with herbed simple syrup for a mocktail, or add citrus juice for a sparkling lemonade.
Oat milk. Non-dairy milks are key in the vegan pantry, and I use oat milk the most - I'm quite fond of its natural sweetness.
Almond milk. For the times you don't want the sweetness, like in sauces. Probably the most versatile non-dairy milk.
Herbal and specialty teas - chai, rooibos, nettle, and earl grey are some of my personal favorites. These are fun souvenirs to take home from trips too.
Other non-dairy milks like hemp or cashew can be handy to have around.
Other special occasion teas like matcha, hibiscus, chamomile, and jasmine - there are lots of different teas out there to try.