Not too long ago, I posted an article that talked about how I wanted to change the direction of the site, and that I’d share with you when this was done. Well, here we are, on my goal date of 3/1 no less (whew!)
Introducing the Bean Queen, a food blog dedicated primarily to bean-based recipes, bean facts, and the occasional bean or food opinion piece. Fanfare!
At first, I thought that I didn’t want to publish recipes. And maybe it was even less about wanting to than imposter syndrome - how could I possibly create recipes that were as good, let alone better than, all the ones that are already out there?But then I had an illuminating conversation with my youngest bro (hi Neil!). First, he let me know that he wants to read recipes. Going to a food blog just to read about someone else’s recipe isn’t a great experience (yeah... that’s totally fair). And the more I thought about it, the more I realized that the whole point of a food blog is to offer your own perspective on food and share your own ways of preparing it. If you think about food as art, just because someone else already painted a portrait of a lighthouse doesn’t mean that my own portrait of that same lighthouse doesn’t have its own unique perspective to offer.
And perhaps the biggest surprise to me - I actually really enjoy writing recipes. In fact, I haven’t wanted to stop. The process of writing, testing, correcting, testing, and finally capturing photos really appeals to me, perhaps because it’s got such a process and a flow to it.
Thus, the Bean Queen will offer all bean related recipes and eventually, hopefully, be an authoritative source for all things bean related. Curious why I chose beans? This page should explain, but let me know if you have any questions I can help answer.
Oh, and lest I forget to give credit where credit is due - the name of the blog was also Neil’s idea, but to be fair I did recognize his brilliance :)
My time during the last month or so has been spent redesigning the website (HTML! CSS!), learning some basic photography skills (like how to work a camera and what aperture is), writing and testing recipes, and reading everything I can about beans in general. So basically my days at home consist of cooking, writing, and reading, which is my version of heaven.
I’ll be posting twice a week on Tuesdays and Thursdays (randomly picked days, plus I figure people grocery shop on the weekends). I’ll post my first recipe tomorrow though, because I’m sure you’re all very curious, and then I’ll move to the Tuesday/ Thursday schedule after that.
If you want to make sure you see all my new posts, subscribe to my email list and check the “get weekly blog updates” button!
If you’re wondering how you can help support me and my little corner of the food blogging world, that’s wonderful! You can help by commenting on my recipes and subscribing to email.
I need lots of help on social media. You can help by clicking through and checking out my content when I post it, and sharing it to your friends/followers/fans. If you’re not already following my Bean Queen social accounts, here’s my Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram - every follow, like, and share helps :)
Oh, and send any fun bean articles or anything generally interesting about beans for food my way.
And tell your friends! Did I mention that yet? Thanks, mwah, love you <3
Here’s a sneak peek at some of the recipes I’ve been working on, coming soon to a screen near you!